Luis Emilio Velutini Urbina, president of Grupo Velutini, toured the World Trade Center Santo Domingo with the president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader, and businessmen from international brands. There he showed the progress of this construction project, which also includes an expansion of the BlueMall shopping plaza.
The project, which will boost luxury tourism, real estate and business in the National District, will inaugurate the first phase in the first quarter of 2023, and the entire World Trade Center BlueMall complex by the last quarter of 2024, informed Luis Emilio Velutini.
This visit was made in a special way. The guests were provided with all the protective clothing required by the protocol in this type of spaces under construction.
Businessman Luis Emilio Velutini Urbina also confirmed that the building will have two business towers under the WTC brand, and two apartment-hotel towers under the names of BlueMall Luxury Suites I and II.