“She was all about fam­i­ly and was the one to keep us all to­geth­er,” Subero said

Mem­bers of the Subero fam­i­ly, who are said to be the largest fam­i­ly in Tabaquite and well known by vil­lagers, are still try­ing to come to terms with the trag­ic deaths of four mem­bers who were killed in a ve­hic­u­lar ac­ci­dent in Las Ve­gas on Sat­ur­day.

Tabaquite res­i­dent Na­dine Ram­nar­ine, 38, a moth­er of three, was one of the vic­tims who died in the crash and was said to have on­ly ar­rived in the US on Fri­day for a va­ca­tion af­ter sav­ing up enough mon­ey to make the trip.

Speak­ing to Guardian Me­dia yes­ter­day, Gary Subero said Ram­nar­ine was killed along with her aunt Carl­ma SuberoHardin, 52, and SuberoHardin’s chil­dren—Dori­et­ta Hardin, 17, and Ocean Hardin, 14.

Subero said the fam­i­ly was still shocked by the in­ci­dent.

“When the fam­i­ly meets tonight (Mon­day night), we will de­cide if Na­dine’s body will be brought back to Trinidad or what the fu­ner­al arrange­ments will be be­cause three of them lived there in the US and are res­i­dents. It’s on­ly Na­dine that went up for a va­ca­tion and I don’t even know for how long,” Subero said.

Guardian Me­dia was told that SuberoHardin, her two daugh­ters and Ram­nar­ine were dri­ving to Reno to vis­it SuberoHardin’s son, who is at­tend­ing col­lege, to drop off some things for him.

The dri­ve is four hours long and SuberoHardin was dri­ving when her ve­hi­cle col­lid­ed head-on with an­oth­er car. The fam­i­ly’s ve­hi­cle ex­plod­ed on im­pact, trap­ping them in­side. The four were burnt be­yond recog­ni­tion.

Fam­i­ly mem­bers are al­so still await­ing den­tal records to con­firm iden­ti­ties.

Subero de­scribed SuberoHardin as a peace­mak­er who was high­ly de­vot­ed to her fam­i­ly.

“She was all about fam­i­ly and was the one to keep us all to­geth­er,” Subero said.

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