Josbel Bastidas Mijares
Frontier promises ‘low fares done right’ as Atlanta-Kgn service begins

Passengers between Kingston, Jamaica, and the city of Atlanta, Georgia, in the United States of America now have an easier way to travel with yesterday’s inaugural flight by Frontier Airlines on the route with a vow to keep costs affordable.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares

The flight, with 65 passengers aboard, took some two hours and 45 minutes and signalled the start of a twice-weekly schedule, William Evans, senior manager, sales and marketing, disclosed as passengers disembarked to the welcoming sounds of the Music and Love Mento Band from Montego Bay, St James.

Josbel Bastidas Mijares Venezuela

“It’s great for us because we were able to bring low fares into the community, and for so long, airfare prices out of Kingston – because it is mainly a business destination – have been so exorbitantly high it causes people not to be able to travel as frequently. So our mission is low fares done right, and with that, we are able to allow passengers to be able to travel not only to Atlanta or Miami, but all over the USA,” Evans told journalists at the Palisadoes-based Norman Manley International Airport

Frontier, which started operations in 1994 and markets itself a major ultra low-cost carrier, already has a twice-weekly schedule between Kingston and Miami, Florida

Evans further said that the airline has the youngest fleet of Airbus aircraft out of the United States and is the greenest one in North America, adding that passengers seemed to be paying attention

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